Human following robot

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In this tutorial I describe one way to make robot detect and follow people - it won’t make a great spy but could be useful to carry luggage or groceries. Whole system was implemented on Husarion’s ROSbot 2 with ESP32 as a remote. To find people I used scans from LiDAR (RPLidar A2) with my leg detector, which is simple but turned out to be fast and quite reliable.


ESP32 Remote


You will need to follow tutorial about setting up rosserial connection over Internet with ESP32. On ROSbot prepare Husarnet connection and Rosserial for Husarnet. I recommend to set up Arduino IDE on your computer (remember to also get Rosserial for Husarnet).


Create new sketch in Arduino IDE and copy code:
ESP Remote Code

Then get your Husarnet join code and customize code as described in ESP32 Husarnet Tutorial


Wire your ESP32 accordingly to schematics:

As a source of power you can use a Powerbank connected to the ESP.


This project is meant to run on CORE2 with Mbed firmware. So be sure that you updated your firmware as described in ROSbot quick start. On ROSbot you will need to install following dependencies:

Then go back to src folder in your workspace:

cd ~/ros_workspace/src

Download code:

git clone

And finally build your workspace:

cd ~/ros_workspace


There are two options available:

After whole system is up and running stand in front of ROSbot, but not too far away. When you are detected blue LED on ESP should turn on. Then you can press first button (the one closer to ESP on schematics) and if you start walking robot should follow you. When LED turns off it means that algorithm lost detection of you and need to recalibrate (stand closer to robot and wait until blue LED is back on). If robot had false detection you can calibrate again by pressing second button. On RViz you can see visualization: scan from LiDAR, robot model and detections. Green spheres are all potential legs, blue cylinders are detected legs and red tall cylinder is human position. In version with Kalman filter we also publish circle around human, which shows how much estimated position differs from measurement.


Algorithm walkthrough

First we will go through slower version, as it is simpler. Main part of this code is scan callback where all the magic happens - data from LiDAR is analyzed and people are detected. Whole process consists of 5 steps:

  1. Clusterization
  2. Leg detection
  3. Human detection
  4. Marker publishing
  5. Control

1. Clusterization

def scanCallback(self, scan):
    clusterList = self.findClusters(scan)

First we find clusters in our scan using Euclidean Clusterization Algorithm:

def findClusters(self, scan):
    pointsList = np.zeros((0, 2))
    i = 0
    for r in scan.ranges:
        if r > self.minRange and r < self.maxRange:
            alfa = scan.angle_min + i * scan.angle_increment
            x = r * math.cos(alfa)
            y = r * math.sin(alfa)
            if (alfa > -math.pi and alfa < -self.maxAngle) or \
                (alfa > self.maxAngle and alfa < math.pi):
                pointsList = np.append(pointsList, [[x, y]], axis=0)
        elif r < self.minRange:
            rospy.logerr("Obstacle detected")
            return [np.zeros((1, 2))]
        i += 1
    db = DBSCAN(eps=self.clusterizationMaxDistanceParam,
    core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(db.labels_, dtype=bool)
    core_samples_mask[db.core_sample_indices_] = True
    labels = db.labels_
    n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)
    unique_labels = set(labels)
    clusterList = []
    for k in unique_labels:
        class_member_mask = (labels == k)
        xy = pointsList[class_member_mask & core_samples_mask]
        if xy.any():
    return clusterList

Here we have few parameters that you can customize:

More information about DBSCAN clusterization

Back to scanCallback:

def scanCallback(self, scan):
    if len(clusterList) == 0:
    	rospy.logwarn("No clusters detected")
    	if rospy.get_time() - self.lastDetectionTime < self.detectionTimeout:
            humanPosition = self.lastHumanPosition
            led = Bool()
   = False
            self.positionCalibration = True
            rosbotControl = Twist()
    elif (clusterList[0][0, 0] == 0) and (clusterList[0][0, 1] == 0):
    	led = Bool() = False
    	self.positionCalibration = True
    	rosbotControl = Twist()

In here we check results of clusterization. If we didn’t detect anything, we continue movement in last seen human position. That is until our last seen position is too old - then we need to stop and assume we lost track of our human, which we signal through LED.
We pass special value when obstacle is detected - in first cluster first point is set to (0,0). In this case robot needs to stop immediately, as obstacle is too close.

2. Leg detection

Next step is leg detection:

def scanCallback(self, scan):
    sortedClusters = self.detectLegs(clusterList)
def detectLegs(self, clusterList):
    i = 0
    sortedClusters = []
    for cluster in clusterList:
    	xMax = np.max(cluster[:, 0])
    	xMin = np.min(cluster[:, 0])
    	yMax = np.max(cluster[:, 1])
    	yMin = np.min(cluster[:, 1])
    	xDistance = xMax - xMin
    	yDistance = yMax - yMin
    	proportion = max(xDistance,yDistance)/min(xDistance, yDistance)
    	area = xDistance*yDistance
    	if not (max(xDistance,yDistance)-self.legWidth) < self.dLegWidth:
    	xMean = (xMax+xMin)/2
    	yMean = (yMax+yMin)/2
    	cone = Point()
    	cone.x = xMean
    	cone.y = yMean
    	cone.z = 0
    sortedClusters.sort(key=lambda x: math.sqrt(x.x**2 + x.y**2))
    return sortedClusters

In this section we go through each cluster and calculate its bounding rectangle. Then we filter our data with following rule: longer side of rectangle can have maximal length of legWidth + dLegWidth (meaning that we assume leg width of legWidth with upper toleration dLegWidth). I encourage you to experiment with it and maybe try other conditions e.g. area and sides proportions. If cluster passes we find its centroid and save it for further calculations. As last thing we sort our potential legs by distance from ROSbot.

def scanCallback(self, scan):
    if len(sortedClusters) == 0:
    	rospy.logwarn("No legs detected")
    	if rospy.get_time() - self.lastDetectionTime < self.detectionTimeout:
            humanPosition = self.lastHumanPosition
            led = Bool()
   = False
            self.positionCalibration = True
            rosbotControl = Twist()

Similar to previous step we check results of leg detection. No legs found - we allow ROSbot to move for some time. This step is necessary to smooth out movement - sometimes in only one frame we don’t detect any legs, which can cause robot to stop and go.

3. Human detection

We estimate human position through analysis of legs detections:

def scanCallback(self, scan):
    (firstLeg, secondLeg, humanPosition, firstLegDetected, twoLegsDetected) = self.detectHuman(sortedClusters)
def detectHuman(self, sortedClusters):
    firstLeg = sortedClusters[0]
    firstLegDetected = False
    twoLegsDetected = False
    secondLeg = Point()
    humanPosition = Point()
    humanPositionTemp = Point()
    if len(sortedClusters) > 2:
    	sortedClusters.sort(key=lambda x: math.sqrt((x.x-firstLeg.x)**2 + (x.y-firstLeg.y)**2))
    	secondLeg = sortedClusters[1]
    	legDistance = math.sqrt((firstLeg.x - secondLeg.x)**2 + (firstLeg.y - secondLeg.y)**2)
    	if legDistance < self.legDistanceThreshold:
            humanPositionTemp.x = (firstLeg.x+secondLeg.x)/2
            humanPositionTemp.y = (firstLeg.y+secondLeg.y)/2
            humanPositionTemp.z = 0
            twoLegsDetected = True
            humanPositionTemp = firstLeg
    	humanPositionTemp = firstLeg
    if self.positionCalibration:
    	r = math.sqrt( humanPositionTemp.x ** 2 + humanPositionTemp.y ** 2)
    	if r < self.calibrationDistance and twoLegsDetected:
            self.lastHumanPosition = humanPositionTemp
            humanPosition = humanPositionTemp
            firstLegDetected = True
            self.lastDetectionTime = rospy.get_time()
            self.positionCalibration = False
            led = Bool()
   = True
    	distanceChange = math.sqrt((self.lastHumanPosition.x - humanPositionTemp.x)**2 \
    				+ (self.lastHumanPosition.y - humanPositionTemp.y)**2)
    	if distanceChange < self.humanPositionChangeThreshold:
            humanPosition = humanPositionTemp
            firstLegDetected = True
            self.lastHumanPosition = humanPosition
            self.lastDetectionTime = rospy.get_time()
            if rospy.get_time() - self.lastDetectionTime < self.detectionTimeout:
                humanPosition = self.lastHumanPosition
                led = Bool()
       = False
                self.positionCalibration = True
    return (firstLeg, secondLeg, humanPosition, firstLegDetected, twoLegsDetected)

We assume our first detected leg is one closest to ROSbot. Second leg (if any available) is one closest to first leg (if it’s close enough). With two legs detected we calculate possible human position as mean between legs, otherwise we use first leg as possible human position.
When human position is not calibrated, then two legs have to be visible in range closer than given threshold. Provided that our position is already calibrated, we can check if our detected human position is viable. We calculate difference in positions between new and old detection, too big value means that it’s probably false detection. In this case we check if we can use older position, otherwise we lost track of human position.

4. Marker publishing

Visualization of our detections

def scanCallback(self, scan):
    self.publishMarkers(firstLeg, secondLeg, humanPosition, firstLegDetected, twoLegsDetected, sortedClusters)
def publishMarkers(self, firstLeg, secondLeg, humanPosition, firstLegDetected, twoLegsDetected, sortedClusters):
    legMarker = Marker()
    legMarker.header.frame_id = "laser"
    legMarker.ns = "person"
    legMarker.header.stamp = rospy.Time()
    legMarker.type = Marker.CYLINDER
    legMarker.action = Marker.ADD
    legMarker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
    legMarker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
    legMarker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
    legMarker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
    legMarker.scale.x = 0.04
    legMarker.scale.y = 0.04
    legMarker.scale.z = 0.04
    legMarker.color.a = 1.0
    legMarker.color.r = 0.0
    legMarker.color.g = 0.0
    legMarker.color.b = 1.0
    legMarker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.5)
    if not self.positionCalibration:
    	#first leg
        if firstLegDetected:
   = 1
            legMarker.pose.position = firstLeg
            legMarker.pose.position.z = 0.02
        #second leg
        if twoLegsDetected:
   = 2
            legMarker.pose.position = secondLeg
    	#human position = 3
    	legMarker.scale.z = 0.2
    	legMarker.pose.position = humanPosition
    	legMarker.pose.position.z = 0.1
    	legMarker.color.r = 1.0
    	legMarker.color.b = 0.0
    legMarker = Marker()
    legMarker.ns = "legs"
    legMarker.header.frame_id = "laser"
    legMarker.header.stamp = rospy.Time()
    legMarker.type = Marker.SPHERE
    legMarker.action = Marker.ADD
    legMarker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
    legMarker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
    legMarker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
    legMarker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
    legMarker.scale.x = 0.04
    legMarker.scale.y = 0.04
    legMarker.scale.z = 0.04
    legMarker.color.a = 1.0
    legMarker.color.r = 0.0
    legMarker.color.g = 1.0
    legMarker.color.b = 0.0
    legMarker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.2)
    i = 1
    for x in sortedClusters: = i
    	i += 1
    	legMarker.pose.position.x = x.x
    	legMarker.pose.position.y = x.y

Pretty straightforward: we publish markers with potential legs (green spheres), detected legs (if any found, blue cylinders) and human (red cylinder).

5. Control

And final step is movement control:

def scanCallback(self, scan):
def controlRosbot(self, humanPosition):
    r = math.sqrt( humanPosition.x ** 2 + humanPosition.y ** 2)
    a = math.atan2(humanPosition.y, -humanPosition.x)
    if r > self.minHumanDistance:
    	xSpeed = -r * self.speedPGain
    	xSpeed = 0
    if abs(a) > self.minHumanAngle:
    	zAngularSpeed = a * self.angularSpeedPGain
    	zAngularSpeed = 0
    rosbotControl = Twist()
    if rospy.get_time() - self.buttonTime < self.buttonTimeout and \
    		self.buttonState == True and not self.positionCalibration:
    	rosbotControl.linear.x = xSpeed
    	rosbotControl.angular.z = zAngularSpeed

Firstly we convert our cartesian coordinates to polar ones. Then we calculate angular and linear speed for ROSbot with proportional controller. We publish it if we receive message from remote that allow robot to move.


This version is improved slow follower - basically only additions are scoring system and Kalman filter. Also I changed some parameters to make it more suitable for higher speeds.
In order to implement Kalman filter I created Person class where human position is stored and updated. For Kalman Filter part I used code from leg_tracker. All the parameters for filter were well tuned, I only changed std_obs value.

Next big change is that I added scoring system which uses all parameters: proportion, area, length and distance. It combines it with appropriate weights.

proportion = max(xDistance,yDistance)/min(xDistance, yDistance)
area = xDistance*yDistance
widthDifference = (max(xDistance,yDistance)-self.legWidth) - self.dLegWidth
distanceFromRobot = math.sqrt(xMean**2 + yMean**2)
score = 0
score += distanceFromRobot * self.distanceWeight
score += abs(proportion - self.destProportion) * self.proportionWeight
score += abs(area - self.destArea) * self.areaWeight
if widthDifference > 0:
    score += (abs(widthDifference) * self.widthDifferenceWeight)**2
if score < self.maxScore:
    sortedClustersDetails.append([xMean, yMean, distanceFromRobot, proportion, area, widthDifference, score])


Parameters with updated values:

Lastly I added restrictions on obstacle detect - we only detect obstacle approximately in area where we can drive. Increasing minRange can cause ROSbot to be unable to move in narrow spaces.

if (alfa > -math.pi and alfa < -self.maxAngle) or \
	(alfa > self.maxAngle and alfa < math.pi):


In this tutorial you learned how to set up and run human following using ROSbot with ESP remote. After main algorithm walkthrough you should be also able to modify it to suit your robot.