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Remotely controlled inspection robot based on Raspberry Pi Zero.

The robot can be teleoperated using a web browser, it works quite well in rough terrain:

Construction started with PCB:

PCB with connected components
PCB with connected components

The PCB was supposed to control the following components:

Prototyping PCB
Prototyping PCB

As a power source I used a LiPol battery that was connected to 2 voltage converters: one for the microcontroller and one for servos.

Parts of the construction were 3D printed using https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:652851


The robot was controlled through a web browser, I used https://hackaday.io/project/25092-zerobot-raspberry-pi-zero-fpv-robot/log/97988-the-new-zerobot-pro, modified to work with my SPI communication.